This was our first major assignment of the semester. In our Written Language and Literacy Narrative (WLLN), we were asked to describe a particular moment in our life when language or literacy played an important and contributed to the value of the experience. I decided to write about the time I studied abroad in Barcelona, Spain.
Learning Spanish opened my eyes to a world that would have been left unseen, had I not pull myself out of my comfort zone and into the unknown, all in the name of learning and growing. The goal I had for my narrative was to make it as personal and descriptive as possible. I wanted the reader to be completely immersed in my writing and to feel as if they were me. With the use of rhetorical devices such as pathos, logos, and ethos paired with imagery, I was able to completely described my experience and the impact it had on my perspective of life and the world.
I also made a video that I am extremely proud of that allows my audience to visualize my experience. I included pictures and videos of the places I went to and the people I met.
Spoken Language Video