Welcome to My Journey of Writing……So Far!

Hello everyone and thank you for coming to my page. I am 19 years old and currently attending The City College of New York. I have yet to decide on a major but my area of interest is in science. Nonetheless, I am still young and will remain open to any and every opportunity that comes my way! This site will showcase the journey I have taken while completing my English 110 course. When I registered for English 110, I merely did it because it was required for my Pathway Courses. Making it mandatory paired with the disconnection I’ve experienced this past year with remote learning made my expectations extremely low. To my surprise, I was wrong. Up until now, I only experienced a watered-down version of what English is and the elements it truly encapsulates. During this course, my interest peaked, and I believed I have discovered a joy for writing. I’ve discovered the depth and power of language, and I believe that it is truly reflected in my coursework. Without further ado, here is my story…..